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Every policy is different, every type of insurance has exclusions and being double insured is not always to your advantage. Make sure that you understand what is, and is not, insured in the policy you take out.

COMPULSORY insurance for organisations:

Recommended insurance for organisations:

Other insurance which you may need when you organise something:

  • Fire insurance (buildings and/or contents insurance).
  • Theft insurance for materials (owned or borrowed).
  • Comprehensive insurance for materials (owned or borrowed).
  • Legal insurance.
  • Extra insurance when organising events such as cancellation insurance.
  • Insurance for the costs of cancelling or postponing concerts, performances, productions and festivals.
  • Travel insurance.

Do you have questions or do you need advice?

Get in touch with Danspunt.


Danspunt offers a very economical Civil Liability and Physical Accident insurance. Read more.

‘In the Spotlight’ is a platform for dancers, dance teachers and makers to tell just that little bit more about their work. Discover the diversity of the dance landscape

and be inspired

Maakplaats in Ghent offers studio space, coaching, presentation moments and visibility for choreographers, new makers and dancers. Danspunt makes 7 by 7 space for your dance laboratory where you can deepen, innovate and present.

Check Maakplaats