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Type of bookkeeping

The bookkeeping obligations of a vzw depend on how big the vzw is (number of employers, revenue, balance total, …).

The obligations differ for so-called micro-vzw’s, small vzw’s or other vzw’s. Soon you can read more here about the division between these kinds of vzw’s.

Simplified bookkeeping

Most vzw’s in our sector are micro-vzw’s or small vzw’s that only have to maintain ‘simplified bookkeeping’.

This is actually cash accounting, where you record:

  • what goes out (costs)
  • what comes in (income)

Download this easy simplified model for bookkeeping. The model allows you to keep your acounts and make your annual account easily. A good tool for making your life easier!

Obliged to deposit annual acounts

All vzw’s, also the micro and small vzw’s have to make the annual account (jaarrekening) within 6 months after closing the financial year (for most organisations that’s the end of June).

To make the annual account for small or micro-vzw’s, you can use the simplified model for bookkeeping.

Your annual accounts need to be approved by the General Assembly.

Then you have to deposit the annual accounts at the Registry of the Commercial Court (griffie van de kamer van koophandel). This is free and obliged!

Big vzw’s or vzw’s who use double bookkeeping, must deposit their annual accounts at the National Bank.

How (long) to keep accounts?

Make sure to have an original proof (receipt, ticket, contract, invoice, declaration of honor, …) for every expense and income. Keep everything neatly. You can keep your books on paper or digitally.

You have to hold on to the bookkeeping of your organisation at least 7 years. If you keep it digitally, you must ensure the tool, software or location is accessible for 7 years as well.

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