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The Flemish corona hinderpremie

27 March 2020

Last update: Friday 27 March, 10h00

From now on, businesses that have to close because of the coronavirus can request the Flemish ‘hinderpremie’ or relief grant.

Some dance organisations (including non-profit organisations) can benefit from this grant. Read the conditions you need to fulfil here.

The coronavirus ‘hinderpremie’ is available:

  • to businesses / organisations
  • with a place of business in the Flemish Region
  • that are affected by the obligatory closure measures.

Which businesses or organisations?

These businesses and organizations are eligible for the grant:

  • Associations (e.g. vzw’s, non-profit associations) with an economic activity* with at least one full-time equivalent employee.
  • People who are self-employed as their main activity (zelfstandigen in hoofdberoep), or self-employed as a secondary activity (zelfstanigen in bijberoep) and paying social security contributions at the same level as people who are self-employed as their main activity.
  • Companies with legal personality (e.g. a BVBA, NV etc.) and at least one working partner or one full-time equivalent employee.

De facto associations (‘feitelijke verenigingen’) are not businesses and therefore not eligible.

*Your non-profit has an economic activity if it “offers goods and services on the market”. Check this with your accountant if you are in doubt.

Place of business in the Flemish Region?

Your location (in the Flemish Region) must be registered in the CBE as an establishment unit. It is irrelevant whether your business owns or leases the property.

You can check this in the CBE. Enter your enterprise number and check whether your “establishment unit” is located in Flanders and whether that is the same address as the physical location of the place you need to close.

When applying, you need to enter your enterprise number and the establishment unit number of your organisation.

Brussels-based businesses are not eligible. Different support measures apply to the Brussels Region.

Obligatory closure?

Yes, dance schools and dance associations have been affected by the obligatory closure measures.

According to the Ministerial Decree of 18 March (article 5), “private and public activities of a cultural, social, festive, folkloric, sports and recreational nature [are] prohibited”.

What amount?

A one-off grant of € 4,000.00.

If you have more than one place of business, each with a full-time staff member, you can receive several grants. The maximum number of grants is five per business.

If you have to remain closed after 5 April, you receive an additional grant due to the closure of € 160.00 per day that you are closed, for each place of business that received the initial grant.

How do I apply for it?

Go to the application module (only in Dutch).

Please note that it uses a secure connection with validation. That means you will need to have the following information at hand:

  • e-ID and e-ID pin code
  • The account number of your business
  • Your ordinary opening days as applicable before the coronavirus measures
  • Your legal form (e.g. vzw, sole proprietorship, BV, NV etc.)
  • Your website


Your application must be filed within 30 days after the end of the obligatory closure period.

More information

You will find all the information and the application procedure on the VLAIO website (only in Dutch).

Take a look at the page about the ‘compensatiepremie’ or our overview of support measures for staff, organisations and self-employed people as well.

You will find all the coronavirus news on our news page.

Danspunt is happy to help
For all questions about dance and corona: contact us.

The Cultuurloket “coronavirus line”
For coronavirus-related legal or business questions.
Monday to Friday, 10:00 to 18:00.
Tel.: 02 534 18 24

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