Zumis are short powerful songs that each touch on a specific intention or emotion. You sing Zumis regularly as an intermezzo according to the intention you wish to set.
By just two minutes of “Zumis,” you bring the group – whether it’s your class or your family – to peace or to action, to connection or to tolerance, to silence or to discipline, to focus or to gratitude … whatever is needed in that moment. Zumis work wonders!
Who is Barbara Cool?
Barbara Cool is a musician, music teacher and founder of the Zumis concept. She gives lessons, workshops and trainings for children and adults about sound and rhythm expression. In her work with children she noticed a great openness for certain songs that literally and energetically move them and that children want to sing over and over again. From there, the idea was born for Zumis that put the power of authentic sound into motion.
The Zumis have already been put into practice in many schools, groups and families and have been enthusiastically received by young and old alike.
Why does the programmer, Anne-Lore Baeckeland, think you should take this session?
The voice is one of the most unappreciated tools in teaching. Get rid of ‘sssht’, ‘STOP’ or ‘I’ll count to three and then it’s quiet’. A song and a little patience and the kids are ready for the next assignment.